JOSIAH'S centered image WORLD

The Poor Mans Explaination of the Trinity

Each component is God and they are all God, but they are yet distinct. Why is that? Well when I think about the trinity this is how it goes:

God the Father: the structure of reality itself. The world we live in is designed to be navigated by truth, love, and justice. Our dealing with people around us and the physical world itself are structure in a way that punishes our moral failings. It also punishes us unfairly sometimes too to remind us that we don't have full control of our lives. In this way the strucure of reality points us to God.

God the Son: The the correct way of being externalized by a person or idea. This is obviously most manifest in The Son of God Jesus, but it is also present in anyone we give our reverence for rightous reasons. The admiration we feel for role models in our lives and for the saints and church fathers that have gone before us. This is also present in ideas and words that inspire us to courage of faith. John 1:1 tells us that these are one and the same.

God the Spirit: The internal desire that points us to holiness. A more secular conceptualization of this is a consience, which is a great word for it. It is the still small voice that is deeper than thought. One might relate it to intuition. When Jesus leaves earth he sends the spririt, to be a helper and he says it is better that way.

These three manifestations all point to something greater than each individually, and they all relate and bolster one another. They all point to something that is perhaps impossible to really put into words, but maybe just their complimentary structure is what we mean when we talk about God. The fact that our world is so beautifully designed that the most broad conceptions of it are truly Good and for our benefit if we give ourselves over to it.